Previous Clients and Projects
Client: The Northeast Regional Ocean Council
Primary Project Tasks: Support the Council and Executive Committee, provide technical assistance to three standing committees, and develop and pursue funding strategies
Description: Created by the six New England Governors in 2005 the Northeast Regional Ocean Council (NROC) is guided by the Governors’ Coast and Ocean Action Plan. This collaborative, interstate initiative focuses on three regional priorities areas: coastal and ocean ecosystem health, ocean energy planning and management and coastal hazards. We assisted with program planning, project development and implementation.
Client's Website:
Client: Coastal Enterprises Inc. and the Chewonki Foundation
Primary Project Tasks: Renewable energy research, analysis, and facilitation
Description: Coastal Enterprises Inc. and the Chewonki Foundation, Maine's premier non-profit educational organization, are exploring the feasibility of creating a renewable energy education center. The Keeley Group researched comparable centers around the country and the world; interviewed energy leaders in Maine and in six other states; identified prospective audiences, program and services; explored funding options and provided recommendations.
Client's Website: and
Client: The Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems
Primary Project Tasks: Assist in the development of the agenda for the inaugural meeting of the board, develop meeting materials and facilitate two-day meeting
Description: The Keeley Group provided organizational development, strategic planning and meeting facilitation services for the inaugural, August 2008 meeting of the board.
Client's Website:
Client: The Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System
Primary Project Tasks: Identify and analyze monitoring and observing needs of coastal and ocean managers
Description: The Keeley Group prepared an assessment of coastal and ocean managers needs for ocean observing tools and products in the northwest Atlantic spanning from Cape Cod (Massachusetts) to Cape Sable (Nova Scotia). We also provided technical assistance to the Association and Advisory Board.
Client's Website:
Client: Coastal States Stewardship Foundation
Primary Project Tasks: Create a national foundation, define project portfolio and fundraise
Description: Aware that the pace of conservation and restoration of our nation's coastal and ocean resources needs to be greatly accelerated we were hired by the Coastal States Organization to create a national non-profit foundation. We assisted in defining the Foundation's mission, identifying and recruiting the Board of Directors and Coastal Advisors, prepared a strategic plan and business plan, developed a project portfolio, networked with potential partners, and worked with the Board to secure public and private funding.
Client's Website:
Client: Chewonki Foundation
Primary Project Tasks: Meeting facilitation, surveys and strategic planning
Description: The Chewonki Foundation is Maine's premier non-profit educational organization. The Keeley Group provided meeting facilitation services; survey design, implementation and assessment; and strategic planning assistance.
Client's Website:
Client: Association of National Estuary Programs
Primary Project Tasks: Strategic Assessment and meeting facilitation
Description: The Association of National Estuary Programs is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting responsible stewardship and a common vision for the preservation and restoration of our nation's bays and estuaries. The Keeley Group assisted the organization define its role in ecosystem-based management by surveying the membership, preparing materials, making presentations and facilitating a national meeting.
Client's Website:
Client: Gulf of Maine Marine Educators Association
Primary Project Tasks: Meeting facilitation and planning
Description: The Gulf of Maine Marine Educators Association (GOMMEA) brings together those interested in the study and enjoyment of the world of water -- both fresh and salt. The Keeley Group assisted with the initial planning and organization of the 2007 National Marine Educators Association national meeting in Maine.
Client's Website:
Client: Coastal States Organization
Primary Project Tasks: Developed and conducted regional workshops/focus groups
Description: A national effort is working to create an ocean observation network that is responsive to a wide array of user needs (e.g., maritime shipping community, search and rescue, recreational boaters, fisheries management, etc.). We assisted in the organization and facilitation of focus groups in the Southeast, Great Lakes and Gulf of Maine.
Client's Website:
Client: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - National Sea Grant Program
Primary Project Tasks: Aquaculture and marine ecosystem-based management
Description: This ongoing international initiative involves multi-disciplinary teams representing six countries (China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Canada and the US). The Keeley Group was a member of an international team that identified key factors and parameters needed for ecosystem-based management relative to aquaculture and how aquaculture can contribute to nutrient management and better water quality in coastal areas. We represented coastal managers interests on the US team.
Client: Friends of Baxter State Park
Primary Project Tasks: Agenda development and facilitation of Board retreat
Description: The Friends of Baxter State Park is an independent citizen group working to preserve, support, and enhance the wilderness character of Baxter State Park. The Keeley Group assisted with the planning and facilitation of a board retreat.
Client: Damariscotta Lake Watershed Association
Primary Project Tasks: Assist in the development of the organization's 2012-15 strategic plan, facilitate board meetings, and support the Executive Director.
Description: Founded in 1966, the Damariscotta Lake Watershed Association (DLWA), a volunteer-based organization of more than 500 member families, is committed to enhancing the quality of life in and around Damariscotta Lake, assuring enjoyment for all of its natural and human residents.
Client's Website:
Client: Bi-national Gulf of Maine Council
Primary Project Tasks: Development, Web Services and Production of the Gulf of Maine Times
Description: Created in 1989, the US and Canada Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment is guided by a 5-year Plan. We are assisting with fund-raising in support of seven fund development priorities, supporting the preparation of the 2012-2017 Action Plan, providing web maintenance and development services, and producing the Gulf of Maine Times – a 16-page on-line newspaper.
Client's Website:
Client: Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal and Ocean Observing Systems
Primary Project Tasks: Strategic planning, meeting facilitation, technical assistance
Description: Assisting thirteen state, federal and non-profit based organizations work collaboratively to implement priority projects in three focal areas: ecosystem health, coastal hazards and ocean energy. They are also exploring how to strengthen and make more routine inter-organizational collaboration; Supporting NERACOOS/NROC committees; Updating NERACOOS plans.
Client's Website: